As a gay guy, what turns you on in a man? by #KylePhoenix
I have the unique challenge of working in a field that exposes me and therefore part of my life to my work world. Since 2004 I’ve worked...
Good. Valuable. Entertaining. Useful. Always.
I have the unique challenge of working in a field that exposes me and therefore part of my life to my work world. Since 2004 I’ve worked...
They came into my cell, hardcore SWAT team style. Dressed exactly like the pic above. I immediately climbed from my bed to my desk. I was...
📷 📷 Keith Swain, the author of Dynamic Duos, did surveying of 2000+ men who have sex with men a few years ago. He was able to correlate...
UPDATED MAY 2, 2019 📷 Carmen Mandato/ The Penny Hoarder Some of the links in this post are from our sponsors. We provide you with...
This week's episode: "Lack of Women in China Forces Men Into Criminal Behaviors" Don't forget to watch The Kyle Phoenix Show LIVESTREAM...
This week's episode focuses on: "Why is there such projected hatred at Jews?" & "Interracial Marriage: Dismantling White Privilege in a...
Identity Series (Part 2) of The Exploration of Black Activist Rakem Balogun and the Texas Activism Movement Don't forget to watch The...
TKPS Episode #410-The Kyle Phoenix Show (Fall 2018) Identity Series (Part 1) Black Militant Arrested by FBI for Political Views According...
TKPS, Episode # 409 (11/01/18)- The Kyle Phoenix Show "I Want My Sex Back" Detransitioned Transgender People Who Regretted Changing Sex I...
📷 It depends. Men are trained by the society around them how to self perceive and then hopefully we mature enough to separate the... Chapter 1.1 from the novel Stay, copyright 2019, all...
Massive LGBTSGL Population Increase We are in the Knowledge Age/Epoch, what this means is that information is being disseminated. The...
Writing Begets Writing, Books Beget Books As you write books more books come out of you. Tranny was like that—-a niggling fiction story...